Sorry for the late reply Ekansh.
Gateway is just an add in my ECC. I have application set up abc1 in SMP3.0 SP7 with Basic as SSO mechanism and HTTP profile without SSO cookie as Authentication Security profile. As I do not have much experience in Android dev, I am using Rest client to test the security profiles. I tried with 2 users but my order on backend is getting changed with my first user. In debug mode also it is the same. I made gw_demo_gateway_rfc logons to use current user logons.
Pls see screen shots below.
1st step registrion
2nd step with GET method to fetch XCSRF Token
3rd step to update a particular order with some status. Then I check the change log for the order. It shows user1 always.
Then I tried with SSO mechanism. Still the same with no errors but changed by user is always the same even when i tried with multiple user ids.