Hi Amit.
Here control records of one IDoc ARTMAS (Idoc From SAP PO):
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Right now I don't want to make any changes (It's not my responsibility).
About listing. I use assortment modules (WSO1/WSO2). After including article in assortment module listing conditions appear in WLK1 but article segments don't create (MARC, MBEW).
During debuging report RWDIFFERENCEMARCWLK1_ENHANCED I noticed that only articles with MARA-MBRSH = '1' could be handled by report. Than I found that all articles that was created manualy have MARA-MBRSH = '1', but all articles created using Idoc have empty MARA-MBRSH.
I found that If I fill industry sector in MARA-MBRSH (using SE16N) listing creates article segments after adding article to assortment module.