Upgraded to 64 bit. I am able to run the report on my local box with Visual studio 2013.
Once installed on client workstation it does not work.
When try to open the report I get:
"Unable to find the report in the manifest resources. Please build the project, and try again."
Funny thing is I put a Messagebox at certain points and moved the dll to the client (a test box). When I did this
I got my messagebox messages and the report worked. Take out the messageboxes and again broken with above error.
Seems like it has a problem in this part of the code:
TableLogOnInfos crTableLogonInfos = new TableLogonInfos();
foreach (crystalDecision.CrystalReports.engine.Table table in report.Database.Tables)
TableLogOnInfo crTableLogonInfo = new TableLogOnInfo();
crTableLogonInfo.TableName = table.name;
crTableLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo = crConnectionInfo;
Can anyone give me a better way to code this?
By the way this is not code I wrote. This is old code.