Hi Jon,
as I understand you want to install TREX instance , that supposed to be running with local account (the domain in the log is the same as hostname).
It means that the installation can be started with a local account too. But this one should have administrator rights on the server .
Please use the REV 65 for installation directly.As the sapinst isn't supported anymore you need use the script. It means you need to start CMD.EXE with option "run as administrator"(!!!) and execute the command line "install.cmd --sid=TRE --instance=05 --action=install --password=<some password>
It could be possible that the issue related to the password you wanted to set. Most likely this wasn't accepted by Windows - too short , doesn't contain scpecial characters. Could you please try the installation with a password containing at least 12 characters (letters, digits, special characters) .
And last one - as I see from log you have already a lot of SAP instances on the host. Does the server enough resources for TREX (memory, disk space)? Usually we don' recommend to install TREX on the same host as the other SAP applications.
Best regards,